Is it safe at the gym to play sports like this during Korona?
Many ask if gyms are a safe place to play sports during this time in Korona and this is also thought by many of our clients. The answer is yes!
The biggest thanks to our customers who clean the equipment before and after use, take care of their own hygiene and not the gym has never come sore was Korona or not. IHRSA, the 'International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub commissioned a 3-month global Korona study involving a total of 2,873 fitness centers around the world, and a total of 49.4 million gym visits were recorded during the 3-month period. No Korona infections have been shown to have spread from the gym
Our gym is one of the largest centers in Finland and it is extremely easy to keep adequate and loose safety distances with the trainers, our ventilation is now extremely tuned in exceptional times and the gym does not rotate air but is constantly changed at a speed of 9 cubic meters per second! Our gym is 1600 m2 in size and up to 8 meters high, so the air will certainly not run out of the gym in between. In the hall you will find both handcuffs and equipment disinfection equipment around the hall. We do our best to make it safe for you to work out in our gym.