Price list

Valid from 1.1.2021

Welcome to visit free of charge whenever it suits you.​​​​​​​

You know that you can come and visit our hall when it suits you best, buy a free tour from our online store and download the Power Gym mobile app from the Play Store or AppStore. The mobile app now acts as a pass tag and you can train right away!

Power Gym 24/7 membership 52€/4WEEKS

With a 4-week membership, you have access to our Power Gym in Hamina around the clock. Min membership 8 weeks.

Power Gym day membership 42€/4weeks

A morning membership will give you access to our Power Gym in Hamina from 5 am to 3 pm Min membership 8 weeks.

One month membership 62€ / month

Memberhip that ends automatically after month.

Power Gym annual membership 517€

With the membership you have access to our Power Gym in Hamina every day of the year 24 hours a day.

Power Gym 10times membership 72€ (valid 3 months)

You can use our Power Gym 10 times at the time of the day you want, the card is valid for 3 months